You can view and edit your Profile if you click on your first & last name in the upper right corner of the screen and select My Profile:

You will be able to edit your first & last namesupdate your emailchange your timezoneupload a new userpic or change your password.

Profile in the Team section

You can also check your profile in the Team section of your Omnivoice account by clicking on the line with your name in the list of team members:

Your Profile includes the essential information in the system:

  1. Your userpic (if available);
  2. Your role in the Omnivoice account and if you’re a Supervisor;
  3. Your login (usually the same as your email);
  4. Your email (may be used as a login if you updated it);
  5. Your extension;
  6. Your forwarding number(s);
  7. Your emergency address.

You can edit the information in your Profile by clicking on the pencil icon:

In the editing mode, you can:

  1. Add or update your userpic;
  2. Update your first & last names;
  3. Change your password;
  4. Update your email;
  5. Set your timezone;
  6. Change your extension (only if you’re an Administrator);
  7. Update or add your forwarding number(s);
  8. Add or change your emergency address.

Once you’ve made the changes, please click on the check icon to save the changes, or on the X icon next to it to discard them.